When To Use De-Icing for Winter Maintenance

When To Use De-Icing for Winter Maintenance

Winter is coming, and with it comes the dreaded ice. You know the feeling: you step outside, ready to face the day, and suddenly, you're sliding on a frozen patch of pavement. You try to regain your balance, but it's too late. You fall hard, bruising your ego and your body. Or worse, you're driving on a slippery road, and your car goes into a skid. You crash into a snowbank, a tree, or another car. You're lucky if you escape with minor injuries and damages.

Annually, more than 1,300 people die and over 116,800 sustain injuries in automobile accidents on slushy, snowy, or icy pavement, according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). As a result, knowing when to use de-icing procedures to keep your surfaces clear and safe is critical. 

This article will explain the distinction between anti-icing and de-icing, the benefits and drawbacks of various de-icing agents, and the best procedures for applying them properly. By following these guidelines, you can avoid the dangers of ice and enjoy the splendors of winter.

Difference Between Anti-Icing and De-Icing

The difference between anti-icing and de-icing lies in their approach and purpose. Anti-icing involves applying preventive measures, such as salt compounds or liquid chemicals, before a snow or ice event to prevent the bond between ice and pavement.

De-icing, on the other hand, focuses on removing existing snow and ice by melting it through mechanical means or using de-icer products.

Anti-Icing Approach

We rely on the anti-icing approach to prevent the formation of ice. This method involves the timely application of a chemical freezing agent, making it an imperative step in maintaining safe and manageable environments during icy conditions.

It's not just about reacting to ice but taking proactive measures to inhibit its development altogether. Severe weather calls for robust action. This is where pre-wetting techniques come into play by ensuring that fewer chemical agents are necessary for snow and ice control. 

Benefits of Anti-Icing

Anti-icing brings about a significant improvement in winter road maintenance. As a preventative measure, it blocks the formation of an icy bond between snow and pavement. 

It also reduces the need for frequent de-icing and snow removal, which limits the potential harm caused by overusing anti-icing products.

Environmental Impact of Anti-Icing Products

Chemicals used in anti-icing products don't just melt snow and ice; they also have an environmental impact. Water sources can become contaminated, causing harm to the aquatic life that calls these areas home.

Our local vegetation isn't safe either - it risks damage from these chemicals, too. We must consider this when making choices about how we handle ice and snow removal. 

Pre-wetting techniques are another step in the right direction as they reduce overall chemical use for snow and ice control operations. Liquid anti-icers even step up the game further by offering a greener alternative compared to sand and salt-based solutions.

Best Practices for Anti-Icing

In order to effectively utilize anti-icing techniques, it is important to follow a set of best practices.

Do’s and Don’ts of Anti-Icing

When it comes to anti-icing, there are some important dos and don'ts to keep in mind. 

Dos Don'ts
Apply the anti-icing solution before the snowfall begins. This proactive approach helps prevent ice from forming and makes it easier to remove snow later on. Don’t overapply the solution - using too much can be wasteful and potentially harmful to the environment.
Monitor weather conditions closely to determine when anti-icing is necessary. Don’t rely solely on anti-icing - it is not effective against heavy or wet snow, so be sure to have other snow removal techniques in place as well.

Anti-Icing Tips for Commercial Property

To effectively manage winter conditions around commercial properties, implementing anti-icing strategies is crucial. Here are some practical tips for anti-icing on commercial property surfaces:

  1. Timing is key: Apply anti-icing products before a snowfall or freezing rain event occurs to prevent ice from adhering to the surface.
  2. Use the right product: Choose environmentally friendly and effective anti-icing agents that won't harm the surrounding vegetation or infrastructure.
  3. Monitor temperature fluctuations: Stay vigilant and reapply anti-icing solutions if temperatures drop significantly or if precipitation continues for an extended period.
  4. Maintain a consistent application rate: Ensure proper coverage by evenly distributing the anti-icing product across the entire surface area.

When to Use De-Icing

De-icing is necessary in conditions where snow and ice removal alone is not enough to ensure safe surfaces for travel.

Conditions That Require De-Icing

De-icing is necessary when a surface is contaminated with ice, snow, or frost. This contamination can affect the performance of vehicles and compromise safety.

De-Icing Techniques and Products

There are various de-icing techniques and products to remove snow, ice, and frost from surfaces during winter maintenance: 

  • De-icing: applying chemicals, usually salts, to the pavement after the snow or ice has bonded to it. 
  • Anti-icing: applying chemicals, usually brines, to the pavement before the snow or ice starts to fall.
  • Pre-treatment: applying chemicals to the pavement up to 48 hours before a winter storm.
  • Self de-icing: adding a special additive to the asphalt mixture that can generate heat and melt the snow or ice on the pavement.

Importance of Snow and Ice Removal

Snow and ice removal is crucial for maintaining safe winter road conditions and preventing accidents. It is important to properly prepare surfaces before applying de-icing products in order to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Preparing Surfaces Before De-Icing

Surface treatment involves removing any existing snow or ice, as well as debris that may hinder the effectiveness of the de-icing agents. By thoroughly cleaning and conditioning the surfaces, such as roads or walkways, we can create an optimal environment for applying de-icers like brine.

Proper preparation sets the stage for successful winter maintenance by promoting better snow control and reducing hazards caused by icy conditions.


In conclusion, knowing when to use de-icing for winter maintenance is crucial for ensuring safe and clear roadways during snowy and icy conditions. By following best practices, such as mechanically removing snow and ice before applying de-icers and using the correct amount according to the manufacturer's instructions, we can effectively break the ice and enhance winter road safety.

Remember that de-icers do not provide traction, so plowing before application can further improve their effectiveness. Stay proactive in your winter maintenance strategies to keep your surroundings safe even in the harshest weather conditions.

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